“New Comment Moderator Plugin for WordPress”

Here is the English translation: GPT Comment Moderator - Automate Comment Moderation with GPT Technology in WordPress | Product Hunt

Automate Comment Moderation with GPT Technology

We are excited to present our latest product: the “Comment Moderator” plugin for WordPress. This plugin uses GPT technology to automatically moderate comments on your website, saving you time and effort from manual management.

Why “Comment Moderator”?

Comments are a great way to encourage interaction on your website. However, moderating them can be a tedious and time-consuming task. This is where “Comment Moderator” comes in.

  • Automation: The plugin uses GPT technology to analyze and filter inappropriate or spam comments.
  • Customization: You can customize the message displayed when a comment is moderated.
  • Easy to Use: With a simple settings page, you can enter your GPT API key and start moderating comments in minutes.

Key Features

  • Automatic Comment Moderation
  • Customizable Moderation Messages
  • Freemius Integration for Premium Features

How to Get It?

We are offering different pricing plans to suit your needs:

  • Single Plan: For a single domain at $3.99/month, $35/year or $109.99 lifetime.

If you are interested in trying out “Comment Moderator”, you can purchase it here.

“Comment Moderator” is an effective solution for anyone looking to improve comment quality on their WordPress website without manual effort. With our launch offer, now is the best time to take your comment moderation to the next level.

Stop wasting more time manually moderating comments, try “Comment Moderator” today!

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